Sunday, April 25, 2010

Still rolling sushi: Women in Japan/Outer space

Japanese women are pushing the limits of traditional behavior. From not having enough children to working more and marrying less, Japanese women are changing the status quo. One women in particular has recently changed traditional family roles greatly while also bringing her nation much glory and fame, her name is Naoko Yamazaki. Yamazaki is the first Japanese mother to ever go into outer space, and only the second Japanese women ever to leave this planet. The roles in this women’s family have changed with Naoko’s husband being the one who raises their child at home. This shows that although the changes with women in Japan seem devastating in this male dominated culture, the country can continue on and see as a role model this young Japanese family.
The story of this Japanese family is one that is maybe starting to become more and more common not only in Japan but around the globe. The wife has to spend more and more time with her career, while the husband has to sacrifice his own ambitions to take care of the children. In this case it nearly drove Naoko and her younger husband Taichi to divorce. He was forced to give up his career and look after their daughter, when his wife left for Russia, and the U.S. to train. This left the young man in a state of shame and depression for some time, and the couple even nearly filed for divorce. However, they started anew and he now fully supports his wife a hundred percent. It shows that through this mans sacrifice his wife was able to accomplish great things not only for her country but for women all over the planet also. Now the couple is “calling for the creation of a society that does not require one partner to sacrifice his or her dreams for the other.”( IKEUCHI, SAITO, Jpntimes). This call for change could be just what is needed to turn Japans demographic woes around, and allow the country to grow strong once again. Also while she was on board the International Space Station Yamazaki along with another Japanese man made the traditional food Sushi, and Naoko also wore a kimono. It just shows that Japanese culture is so widespread it can even travel into space.
